Ep.23 | Leveraging Human Design with With Natania Setyadi

May 31, 2023
Stephanie Weber The Blissful Soul Podcast

Have you ever wondered how Astrology and Human Design can help you understand your energy? 

In today’s podcast episode, I’m joined by Natania Setyadi - a conscious business coach, astrologer, human design reader, Reiki Master, and sound healer.

In the episode, we chat about what human design is and how it can help you to navigate your life. We discuss why she didn’t believe in astrology at first, and what eventually changed her mind. We also explore how leveraging Human Design can help entrepreneurs to create success, avoid burnout, and promote healing. Plus, how getting clear on what it is that you truly want can help you to create abundance in your life, and align with your soul’s calling!

Did any of this resonate with you? I would love to hear about what your biggest takeaways were from this episode! Please feel free to send me a DM and share with me - or share this episode on your IG story and tag me to let me know!! You can find me at @HeyStephanieWeber




 Key Takeaways

  • How she got into Astrology and Human Design

  • Why she didn’t believe in astrology at first, and what changed her mind

  • What Human Design is and how it can help you

  • Why experiencing the “lows” of life can actually be beneficial and help you find true alignment

  • Why it’s important to enjoy the journey rather than just being laser-focused on getting to the destination

  • How she built her business around multiple modalities and combined her interests to help others

  • How Human Design can help entrepreneurs understand their energy, avoid burnout, and heal

  • How to lean into your passions to create your unique offerings and secret sauce

  • What roles masculine and feminine energy play in entrepreneurship

  • Why journaling and meditation are such tools for helping you connect with yourself and get clear on what you really want out of life

  • How getting clear and aligning yourself with your true desires can actually help you to create abundance in your life!


Resources Mentioned


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